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Event: CSTF Post Lockdown priorities - digital divide and skills

Fri, 2 July 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 BST

CSTF is hosting a “just-a-minute” session to respond on the Conservative Party's in house consultation of post lockdown priorities.

Book your ticket via Eventbrite HERE

The CPF, the Conservative Party’s in-house think tank (CPF) is consulting on Post Lockdown Recovery Plans. CSTF is hosting a “just-a-minute” ZOOM to collect and collate answers from its members focusing on the digital divide and skills and looking at priorities for other follow up sessions on other areas. We will ask contributors to limit their comments to “just a minute”, to give thumbs up, or down to the comments of others and put supplementary comments/thoughts in the chat and/or e-mails to the convenor. While CSTF members are like to have views on all questions it is suggested that we focus discussion on 4th July on Question 2) and 6) from the list below and address digital divides and skill – with a view to organising follow up exercises to recruit and harness new members to help make sense of the current plethora of initiatives which get in the way of effective action on both. The questions in the brief are: 1. Would you support making particular activities such as (i) international travel, (ii) large events like football matches, or (iii) a return to certain workplaces, contingent on proof of vaccination or testing for SARSCoV-2? 2. How do we exit lockdown in a way that helps to level-up the UK? 3. How do we rebuild communities, charities and our social fabric? 4. How do we help high streets to build back stronger than before? 5. How do we encourage people to get back onto public transport and into cities again? 6. How do we upskill and retrain those that have lost their jobs? 7. How do we balance support for the rapid return of the hospitality sector (e.g. pubs/restaurants) and arts sectors on the one hand with public health concerns on the other? 8. How might we celebrate those who have made extraordinary public contributions during the pandemic? 9. Is there any other observation you would like to make?


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